jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008

Prayer Requests for May 23 thru 24, 08

Friday is an active day with a class in the morning, a dentist appointment, a funeral in the afternoon and preparing for Saturday and Sunday. This week end the University students in Monterrey are going to have a camp. The title is "My identity in Christ as I identify with His mission." Iwill give the Saturday morning conference on the Identity in Christ. In the afternoons, Saturday and Sunday, Jan and I will give a workshop. Jan's is on conducting group Bible studies and I will teach on the Unity of the Bible. We will not sleep there either Friday or Saturday evening. AND we will rush home after the Saturday workshop, because we had invited people to the house at 8pm, before we knew we were invited to participate in the camp. We invited people for the church to see the God's Big Picture presentation. We have no idea of how many people may come. Pray for all.

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